Chairman’s Report - July 2010

AGM Minutes , Meetings
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Chairman’s Report – July 2010


The past year has been one of consolidation and planning for the future for ACSC. The operational changes made last year to tackle the weakened economy have proved worthwhile and the Charity continues to be in good financial health. Despite our caution with outgoings, we have continued apace with enhancement and refurbishment projects, thanks to the combined efforts of Mike Burton and Jonathan Vinsome with fund raising through grants and monitoring of expenditure and supplier negotiation respectively.


It is with regret that John Penfold has stood down as a representative Trustee of the Aldingbourne Parish Council. John has been an excellent team player over the past couple of years taking an active involvement in a number of our projects and also leading the way in organising the cavity wall insulation. On behalf of all the Trustees, I thank John for his hard work and dedication to the local community as both a Trustee and as a Parish Councillor.


At the last AGM the Trustees presented a number of priorities for the coming year. I’m pleased to say we met all our objectives with the exception of the Playground refurbishments:


  • Renovate the children’s playground and organize a maintenance plan and appropriate budget
    • After discussions with both the Aldingbourne Parish Council and Arun District Council, responsibility for the Children’s Playground has been passed to the Aldingbourne Parish Council who is in a better position to acquire funding for the required refurbishments and updates.
  • Provide electricity to the Tennis Club
    • Completed.
  • Provide new light fittings and low energy lighting solutions for the lounge
    • Completed.
  • Modernize the services, including electrics, gas, and plumbing
    • In progress.
    • Electrics: Additional fuse box has been installed in the storage cupboard in the hall to provider additional power. The electrics in the cellar still require modernization.
    • Gas: Funding to replace the boilers has been allocated and a supplier/installer has been chosen with works expected to commence in August.
  • Install IT Infrastructure to allow the hall and meeting room to be used for conferences
    • Quotes have been received and we are in the process of applying for funding for this project.
  • Continue improvements to the buildings and grounds
    • Additional security cameras and lighting installed.
    • Installation of cavity wall insulation to the main building and hall.
  • Vulnerable persons policy
    • Completed.
  •  A 10 mile an hour speed restriction in the car park
    • Completed.


Our other achievements this year include:


  • Business Plan 2006 Pledges:


    • Improve the facilities: Cavity wall insulation installed. Additional electrical works completed. Replacement of boilers approved and funding allocated.
    • Fund Raising: Aldingbourne Alive was a huge success, raising over “£3,000 which has been allocated to refurbishing the kitchen in the hall. A special thanks to Linda Fromant who worked tirelessly on this event, and Jonathan Vinsome and Alan Johnson who spent the entire weekend camped on the site to provide security.


  • Business Plan Short Term Priorities:


    • Improve external lighting: Additional sensor light has been installed on the barn.



  • Business Plan Medium Term Priorities:


    • Introduce CCTV: The existing CCTV system has been updated further to add more coverage and improve security


Also, in cooperation with the Aldingbourne Parish Council, a number of benches have been purchased for the playing fields. These will be installed during the summer holidays.


As ever, there were some disappointments this year. As well as the problems with the Playground refurbishment, there had been continued difficulties with resolving the issue of providing a home for Hopscotch and, due to the delays, a number of funding applications expired. However, I’m pleased to say that planning permission has now been approved and we are now working on raising funds for the project again.


Some positive comments on projects from our User Groups:


The Save the Barnham Signal Box Campaign achieved its initial target of relocating the Signal Box to the ACSC, achieving local television coverage in the process! Work is now underway on the refurbishments and a new footpath around the building is due to be completed soon. Despite the failure of so many Pubs and Clubs during these tough financial times, the Aldingbourne Social Club continues to be in good financial health and, having completed redecoration of the lounge and refurbishment of the lighting and some of the furniture, there are plans to update the cellar and bar area during the next 12 months. Finally, the Aldingbourne & District Tennis Club now has an electricity supply for the club house.


Our priorities for the coming year include:


  • Complete the project for a new Pre-School building.
  • Complete the boiler replacement project.
  • Refurbish the kitchen.
  • Investigate an extension for the front of the hall to provide additional storage, and options to extend or utilize the area behind the hall currently occupied by an old caravan used for storage.
  • Complete the project to install IT/AV infrastructure.
  • Investigate refurbishment of the access control system (entry card system).


Finally I’d like to thank the following people and organisations for their support over the past year:


  • Joint Downland Area Committee for £1,500 toward new stage curtains and £500 toward Aldingbourne Alive!.
  • Village Hall Trust for donations of £1,260 which has been allocated toward new boilers.

Westergate Recreation Fund (Aldingbourne Parish Council) for a donation of £1,771.20 toward ground maintenance.

  • Arun District Council for a donation of £1,000 toward new stage curtains.
  • Lidsey Landfill Ltd for a donation of £5,000 toward the new Pre-School building project.
  • J Wise Charitable Trust for a donation of £500 toward the new Pre-School building project.
  • Aerobytes Ltd for a donation of £1,000 toward the new Pre-School building project.
  • Mrs Price for a donation of £400 toward the electricity supply project for the Tennis Club.
  • The Big Lunch (Lamorna Gardens’ residents) for a donation of £120 toward new benches.
  • Spirit FM and all the other organisations that supported the Aldingbourne Alive event.
  • Louise Beaton and Action in Rural Sussex for continued support and advice.
  • All the Trustees for their support over the past year.




Signed:             ____________________________________________________________________


Jonathan Leahy


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