Minutes of Trustees Meeting 23rd Sep 2013

Meetings , Regular Minutes







Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday September 23rd 2013.

Present; J Leahy (JL), A Smallman (AS), T Chown (TC), P McCulloch (PM), R Driver (RD), D Ives (DI)

R Cornell (RC), B Warwick (BW), D Freeman (DF), Alex Gladman (AG), D Leonard (DL)

135.  Apologies. Received from C Wright (Tennis Club)

136.  Minutes of the meeting of Aug 19th and Aug 22nd were accepted and signed by the Chairman JL.

137.  Matters Arising. Meeting Aug 19th.

119/106.  AS to contact Angela Zealand requesting information on how far she progressed on the Fire Safety requirements and what we now needed to do to meet the requirements..

Action Point: AS

119/106.                Website. On Going.  Action Point JL

119/106.                Play Area.  As there was no Parish Council representative present the matter was carried forward  

119/106c               Notice Board. On going. Action Point TC.

119/106.                First Aid Box. AG will endeavour to supply a further First Aid box for the kitchen which will be secured to a wall in order to prevent (sic) further theft. Action Point AG/TC

119/116c.              Window Cleaning. . Agreement to price quoted by H Kingswell was confirmed. Window cleaner currently ill but will start once health is improved.

119/116d.             Rubbish Bins. On Going. Quotes received through PC are considerably less than original quotes at £1250.00. 6 Rubbish bins and 3 free standing dog waste bins. Matter is being discussed at Oct 1st PC mtg.   Action Point JL/TC

119/116h.             Hopscotch. No reply received . JL to inform Teresa of proposed hall hire increases.

Action Point: JL

119./ 116.        Signal Box Privacy blinds. On going

Letter No 247.Barn drainage. Investigation had discovered a broken drainage pipe which was in the process of being replaced..

126  Leases.    On going. Solicitor has replied to AS . JL added to sub-committee in place of AT.

127. Letter from DL to Observer newspaper re house building/multi use games area (muga) not published as of this date.

130. Bowls Club electricity .JL had written to Bowls Club re location of meter  and that J Vinsome  had been sending regular meter readings to the then Club Representative.

Matters Arising: Meeting Aug 26th.  

Min 132. Deputy Chairman. Paul McCulloch had been asked by JL to take on this role and was happy to so do.  It was therefore proposed by JL, seconded by TC and unanimously agreed by all present.

138. Correspondence

No 254. Letter to Paul Graham re AA2013 safety concerns

255         Aldingbourne PC re cost of waste bins and requesting consideration toward cost of  same

256.        Defensor Security re CCTV Maintenance Contract

257.        Further letter to APC re dog and waste bins

258.        Airs renewal?

259.        SSE request to use car park for exhibition vehicle for street lighting upgrade. Confirmed


Letters Cont’d

260.        AT. Letter informing Trustees of his resignation

261.        Chubb re routine fire extinguisher maintenance

262.        HM Revenue and Customs re clarification on Grant Aid

263.        SSE Contract renewal.

264.        Quote for plumbing works re removal and replacement of stage sink and toilet.

139. Chairman’s Report. Nothing further to add to the Sept 9th meeting. attended by  JL, AS, TC and RC

140. Treasurers Report.  TC reported that new Bank Signatories have been organised as required.

All outstanding invoices from Aldingbourne Alive have been cleared

M&D martial arts have hired mail hall for the weekend of Nov 2nd and 3rd for a national meet.

141. Secretary’s Report. Nothing further to report

142. Fund Raising. Trish Smallmans  written report estimated a profit of between £2900 and £3300 for the day.  TS is waiting for a reimbursement from Royal Mail for failure to deliver advertising leaflets in one particular local area. The proposed delivery had been prepaid and therefore we were due a repayment.

TS asked that the Trustees consider that we purchase a marquee for the ACSC for future use.

The proposal was readily accepted and TC and RC agreed to investigate further.

Trish also stated that following the success of Aldingbourne Alive she was prepared to continue as member of the Fund raising committee. Unanimously agreed.

All present asked that she be thanked for her contribution and outstanding organisation re Aldingbourne Alive and looked forward to another event asap.

DL asked that the Model Railway Club be thanked, through DI, for the excellent car parking arrangements and marshalling on the day.

AS thanked all who had helped out with the setting up before and the clearing up after the event

It was agreed that as we were rapidly approaching Nov 5th and any firework event we may wish to consider would clash with the Barnham event it would be better to postpone this year and look afresh for next year. Likewise over the Christmas  period there were already a large number of local events, Christmas fairs etc and we would be hard pressed to find a suitable date.

143.., Parish Council Report. With PC rep absent from meeting TC was able to give a brief report and stated that the both Arun DC and Aldingbourne PC were very impressed with the Aldingbourne Alive event.

144. Bookings. TC. Improving situation with a number of all day events scheduled. The Model Car Club and Martial Arts group amongst those hiring for all day .

145. Date of next meeting: Monday 18th November 7.30pm.

146 Any Other Business  i) Bike Shelter. RD raised that  point that nothing  appeared to have been done re this suggestion of some months ago.    Chairman reminded him that he, RD, had d initially agree to investigate the matter.  Action Point RD

ii)  AG stated that he would start work within the next week on the eradication of the moles that were once again infesting the field.

iii) DF reported that the Social Club were proposing to redecorate the whole SC area and had received quotes of £2000.00. Would the ACSC be in a position to assist with cost and help.

Following some discussion it was agreed to postpone any decision until the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm

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